We Support Front of Package Warning Labels

Our #WeSupportFOPWL Campaign

The “We Support Front-of-package Warning Labels” campaign focuses attention on the collective call for octagonal high-in front-of-package warning labels as the CARICOM standard as an effective way to help consumers to make healthier food choices.

It also highlights health harms of unhealthy foods, particularly ultra-processed (packaged) foods that are high in sodium, sugar, and saturated fat or trans-fat. These ultra-processed (packaged) foods can increase the risk of obesity, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. The primary campaign video shown above, depicts the long term negative effects of consuming too many foods high in these nutrients over the life stages from child to adult. It specifically shows the impact of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and hypertension.

Over 90% of Jamaicans and Barbadians combined support front-of-package warning labels. This is why the Heart Foundation of Jamaica, The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados, The Healthy Caribbean Coalition, Pan American Health Organization, United Nations Children Fund and other partners launched the #WeSupportFOPWL (We Support Front-of-Package Warning Labels) mass media campaign, with a united call to action: Give us octagonal high-in front-of-package warning labels appropriately on October 14, 2021, World Standards Day, and just ahead of World Food Day on October 16. This year’s respective themes are “Shared Vision for a Better World” and “Our Actions are Our Future”.

We Support Front-of-Package Warning Labels #FOPWL

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